[This is where you can join the cooperative that owns The Globe]


Membership is open to any person (or organisation) that supports the objectives of the cooperative.  To become a member you must complete an application form and buy shares.  Shares cost £1 each.  The minimum shareholding is 200 and the maximum is 20,000. If you would find it difficult to invest £200 at once you may buy shares in instalments (see ‘Buying Shares’ below).

You can complete the form below, or alternatively download this pdf version of the form, print it out and post it to us.

If you have any questions about buying shares and joining the cooperative please email membership[at]jazz.coop.

Some people have bought shares on behalf of friends and family as a gift. If you want to do this please email membership[at]jazz.coop.

WARNING – When you buy shares you must bear in mind that your investment is at risk. If the business fails you might lose some, or all of the money you have invested. No shares may be withdrawn at present. The board will review this decision before 7 January 2027. If you would like more information about this share offer please download our share offer document. (Please note that this document was last updated in 2017 and some of the information is out of date. The information about share ownership and cooperative membership remains accurate.)

    Your Full Name*

    Your Email*


    Address(line 2)

    Address(line 3)



    Telephone number

    Become a member
    I would like to become a member of Pink Lane Jazz Co-op Ltd.

    I support the co-op's objects and wish to purchase shares. Shares cost £1 each.
    The minimum shareholding is 200 and the maximum is 20,000.
    Total value of shares you wish to purchase*

    How have you paid for your shares?
    I have posted a cheque made payable to 'Pink Lane Jazz Co-op Ltd'
    I have transferred money to the Pink Lane Jazz Co-op using online banking
    I have paid by credit/debit card or PayPal using the ‘Buy Now’ button below
    I have set up a standing order to make monthly payments to buy shares

    I agree to the data provided on this form being stored on a computer database. I understand that this information will be used for the purpose of maintaining a register of members as required by the rules of the cooperative and will not be passed to third parties. I also understand that I may be sent news about the activities of the cooperative and that I can unsubscribe from such messages if I wish.

    I would like to do some voluntary work, in particular...

    Extra comments/message

    IMPORTANT: Please click SEND before proceeding to payment button below.


    Buying shares

    You can buy shares in the following ways:

    1. Transfer money to our bank account (account number 65719226, sort code 08-92-99). Please include ‘your name + shares’ as a reference. This is option is simplest for us and is free of charge.
    2. Pay by credit/debit card or PayPal using the ‘Buy Now’ button below (IMPORTANT – if you want to do this please click Send (above) before you click ‘Buy Now’). This option incurs fees so please avoid using it for investments of over £1,000.
    3. Send a cheque (payable to Pink Lane Jazz Co-op Ltd) together with a completed application form to: The Secretary, Pink Lane Jazz Co-op Ltd, The Globe, 11 Railway Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE4 7AD.
    4. Set up a standing order to make monthly payments to our bank account (account number 65719226, sort code 08-92-99). Please include ‘your name + shares’ as a reference. If you decide to buy shares in this way please note that you must have invested a minimum of £200 within 12 months. We recommend making 10 payments of £20 or 8 payments of £25.

    WARNING – This share offer is exempt from regulation and therefore does not require authorisation by Financial Conduct Authority. If the business fails you have no right of complaint to the Financial Ombudsman or the Financial Services Compensation Scheme. If you buy shares you must bear in mind that your investment is fully at risk. If the business fails you may lose some, or all of the money you have invested.

    IMPORTANT: If you are paying by card/PayPal please click SEND above before you click BUY NOW.

    Please select number of shares